With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
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Порошковая маска на основе альгинатной кислоты, добываемой из бурых морских водорослей, способна решить многие проблемы кожи, подтянуть ее и сгладить неровности рельефа.Grean Tea Modeling Mask от Anskin помимо альгинатов содержит каолин и экстракт зеленого чая. Усиливая циркуляцию крови, эта маска стимулирует обменные процессы и обеспечивает пролонгированный лифтинг-эффект. Маска подходит для использования на проблемной коже – уменьшает раздражения и защищает от патогенных бактерий благодаря экстракту чайного дерева в составе, а каолин поглощает излишки кожного сала.
Объём контейнера: 700 мл
Масса сухого вещества: 240 грамм
Способ применения:
Альгинатный порошок разводят с водой в пропорции 1:3 до получения смеси по консистенции напоминающей нежирную сметану. Равномерным слоем нанесите на кожу лица, не исключая области вокруг глаз и рта. Когда маска пластифицируется, аккуратно снимите ее. Умываться дополнительно не нужно, маска застывает сплошной пленкой и подтягивает кожу, чем обуславливается мгновенный пилинг-эффект.
Маску можно использовать 1-2 раза в неделю.