With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
With an A Series by your side, there's never a dull moment. The dazzling 2.8" (400x240) touch screen delivers incredible color and quickly serves up photos, videos, album artwork and more. Easily navigate your media library with the tap of a finger or via traditional button controls if you prefer. Experience your music wirelessly and stream audio to other compatible devices with integrated Bluetooth®. Sony Clear Audio technologies work as a team to make your music sound the best it can – Digital Sound Enhancement Engine, Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies offer deeper, richer sound plus S-Master™ MX amplification makes for higher signal to noise ratios and less distortion. Upload the matching lyric file and learn the words to your favorite song as your A Series scrolls them along the screen in sync with the music. Premium EX earbuds and USB cable included.
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Мощный регенерирующий тонер, идеальный для кожи, повреждённой воспалениями и страдающей от шрамов пост-акне. Тонер Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Toner создан на основе 90% Snail муцина чёрной улитки и запатентованного комплекса Truecica ™ (на основе центеллы азиатской).Данное средство поможет прекрасно справиться с постакне (шрамы от акне), глубокими шрамами, покраснениями на лице, вызванными загрязненным воздухом и UV лучами. Муцина черной улитки известен своей регенерирующей силой, а комплекс TRUECICA эффективно успокаивает раздражения и воспаления. Кроме того, Ниацинамид помогает справиться с пигментацией пост-акне, а также повышает эластичность кожи. Тонер обладает легкой текстурой, однако интенсивно увлажняет кожу, оставляя комфортное ощущение.
Способ применения
После очищения кожи лица нанесите небольшое количество тонера с помощью ватного диска или руками.
Активные ингредиенты
Муцин улитки (90%), Ниацинамид, Дипропилен гликоль, 1,2-Гександиол, Гидроксиэтил уреа, Экстракт центеллы азиатской, Гидролат чайного дерева, ЭКстракт полыни, Экстракт лаванды, Экстракт розмарина, Экстракт ромашки, Экстракт дикой герани, Экстракт шалфея, Экстракт красного клевера, Экстракт манжетка, Экстракт ройбоса, Экстракт анафалиса, Экстракт гиацинта, Экстракт жасмин, Экстракт хризантемы, Экстракт лотоса, Экстракт бузины, Экстракт сливы, Экстракт акации, Экстракт таволги, Экстракт солодки, Экстракт цимицифуги, Экстракт горца, Экстракт чёрного кунжута, Экстракт трутовика.....